Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Wileyfox Makes Waves

New mobile manufacturer Wileyfox has - as I predicted yesterday - already started to make the tech media sit up and take notice of their just-announced Android smartphones.

The most obvious comparison is down to the affordability of Wileyfox's two mobiles: The £199 Storm, and the £129 Swift. Both are incredibly well-specced, SIM free and are dual sim, which is becoming a popular feature in the UK due to our patchy network coverage and overpriced data plans!
So what are other technology writers comparing Wileyfox's new mobiles with? The Moto G and the OnePlus Two - as I predicted.

Seriously, though, Wileyfox look to be able to produce a couple of great products here, and sell them at the right price.
A week ago, if I was in the market for a new Android phone I would have certainly gone for the new (2015) Moto G. With these two new phones from Wileyfox on the scene, I am certain that I would be having second thoughts about buying a Moto G, and if I'd already bought one, I think that I would be experiencing something else - Regret.

I commend Wileyfox for hitting the market so subtly with such great products. I really wish them a massive amount of success for the future, and as I said in my blog yesterday, I would sooner buy British than risk a Far Eastern Samsung-alike compromise.

Wileyfox, your marketing is already done. I suspect that your phones will soon be selling in droves, purely down to word of mouth.