Saturday, 8 August 2015


Having a Blogger account is an easy step into the world of blogging, but since I am trying to not only promote this blog, but also my Twitter account (, website ( and my associated Facebook page, keeping things connected without being repetitive is troublesome.

There are solutions, but the biggest problem I have is with Google's insistence that I connect my Blogger account to my Google+ account.

I simply don't want to.

For one, my Google+ account is my personal account that I primarily set up to sync and store photos from my Android phones. I have two friends linked to my Google+ account, and I have hated Google+ since it first launched.
I thought that it might have a purpose, and if it had launched a year after Facebook, it might have even taken over from The Social Network, but it didn't - And Google+ remains as clunky and pointless as ever.

Naturally, all Android users unwittingly have a Google+ account, but that doesn't mean that they use it, or want it!

A big part of me sees my lack of Google+ connectivity to be a gaping hole in my marketing strategy. But, if no-one I know uses Google+ who really cares?

Now that Google+'s photo sync and storage service has been killed off by Google Photos, the only logical reason to use Google+ has now evaporated.

I shall continue to promote my website and Twitter account as best I can without Google+

Maybe one day, Google will even kill off Google+ as a failed experiment that never came close to challenging Facebook or changing the way that we network socially.